- A/B testing / A/B testing
- accessibility testing / User accessibility testing (UI testing)
- additive colors / Color systems
- asymmetrical balance / Balance
- URL / Other prototyping tools
- Atomic CSS (ACSS) / Atomic CSS (ACSS)
- Axure / Axure
- balance design principle
- about / Balance
- symmetrical balance / Balance
- asymmetrical balance / Balance
- radial balance / Balance
- Balsamiq mockups / Balsamiq mockups
- basic elements, visual design
- lines / Using lines
- angled lines / Using lines
- curved lines / Using lines
- shapes / Using shapes
- colors / Using colors
- typography / Using the appropriate font/typography
- textures / Textures
- forms / Forms
- benefits, user research
- right product, creating / Helping to create the right product from the beginning
- conversions, increasing / Increasing conversions and revenues
- revenues, increasing / Increasing conversions and revenues
- expensive errors, avoiding / Avoiding surprises saves time and money
- SEO marketing, improving / Improving SEO and marketing
- customer retention / Customer retention and loyalty
- customer loyalty / Customer retention and loyalty
- competitor insights, providing / Providing competitor insights
- development resources / Development resources
- early design guide / Early design guide
- big data
- about / UX Design with big data
- designing for / UX Design with big data
- in UX design / The role of big data in UX design
- handling, benefits / The role of big data in UX design
- Block, Element, Modifier (BEM) / Block, Element, Modifier (BEM)
- Bootstrap
- URL / CSS frameworks
- Bulma
- URL / CSS frameworks
- Closure law / The Closure law
- CMYK system / Color systems
- coding prototypes
- about / Coding prototypes
- disadvantages / Coding prototypes
- colors
- about / Using colors
- using / Using colors
- color theory / Color theory
- color systems / Color systems
- color wheel / Using the color wheel to understand the meaning of colors
- meanings / The meaning of each color
- color systems
- about / Color systems
- CMYK system / Color systems
- RGB system / Color systems
- color theory
- hue / Color theory
- chroma / Color theory
- saturation / Color theory
- intensity / Color theory
- value / Color theory
- shade / Color theory
- tint / Color theory
- tone / Color theory
- Common Region law / The Common Region law
- contrast design principle / Contrast
- conversion funnels
- creating / Creating and analyzing conversion funnels
- analyzing / Creating and analyzing conversion funnels
- URL / Choosing the colors and creating the palettes
- CSS frameworks / CSS frameworks
- CSS layouts
- about / CSS layouts
- float-based layout / Float-based layout
- flexbox-based layout / Flexbox-based layout
- grid-based layouts / Grid-based layout
- CSS methodologies
- about / CSS methodologies
- Object-Oriented CSS (OOCSS) / Object-Oriented CSS (OOCSS)
- Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS) / Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)
- Block, Element, Modifier (BEM) / Block, Element, Modifier (BEM)
- Atomic CSS (ACSS) / Atomic CSS (ACSS)
- CSS postprocessors / CSS postprocessors
- CSS preprocessors
- about / CSS preprocessors
- Sass / Sass
- Less / Less
- Stylus / Stylus
- customer information
- profile data / Grouping customer information
- business data / Grouping customer information
- activity data / Grouping customer information
- communication data / Grouping customer information
- data visualization / Data visualization
- design behavior
- about / Designing behavior
- five factors / Five factors/preconditions for users to take actions
- five preconditions, for actions / Five factors/preconditions for users to take actions
- models, of behavior change / Models of behavior change
- behavioral approach, for product design / Behavioral approach for product design
- design phase, UX process
- about / Design
- concept / Concept, sketching, and flows
- flows / Concept, sketching, and flows
- sketching / Concept, sketching, and flows
- wireframes / Wireframes and prototyping
- prototyping / Wireframes and prototyping
- visual design / Visual design and interactions
- interactions / Visual design and interactions
- documentation / Documentation
- development / Development
- design principles
- about / Design principles
- alignment / Alignment
- hierarchy / Hierarchy
- contrast / Contrast
- repetition / Repetition
- proximity / Proximity
- balance / Balance
- space / Space
- Design System, in Sketch
- creating / Creating the Design System in Sketch
- files and folders structure, creating / Creating a structure for files and folders
- naming convention, following / Following the proper naming convention
- colors, selecting / Choosing the colors and creating the palettes
- color palette, creating / Choosing the colors and creating the palettes
- fonts, selecting / Choosing fonts/typefaces
- typefaces, selecting / Choosing fonts/typefaces
- grid, configuring / Creating and configuring the grid
- grid, creating / Creating and configuring the grid
- UI components, designing / Designing the UI components
- digital prototypes
- about / Digital prototypes
- creating / Digital prototypes
- advantages / Digital prototypes
- disadvantages / Digital prototypes
- discover stage, UX research
- about / The discover stage
- field study / Field study
- diary study / Diary study
- user interviews / User interviews
- stakeholder interviews / Stakeholder interviews
- Elaboraton Likelihood Model (ELM) / Models of behavior change
- engaging personas / Engaging personas
- explore stage, UX research
- about / The explore stage
- competitive analysis / Competitive analysis
- design review / Design review
- persona, building / Persona-building
- task analysis / Task analysis
- journey mapping / Journey-mapping
- prototype feedback and testing / Prototype feedback and testing
- user stories, writing / Writing user stories
- card, sorting / Card-sorting
- extrinsic motivation / Extrinsic motivation
- fictional personas / Fictional personas
- Figure-Ground law / The Figure-Ground law
- flexbox-based layout / Flexbox-based layout
- Flinto / Flinto
- float-based layout / Float-based layout
- Fluid UI
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- forms
- about / Forms
- using / Forms
- Foundation
- URL / CSS frameworks
- frontend developer skills
- HTML / Frontend development/UI development
- CSS / Frontend development/UI development
- JavaScript / Frontend development/UI development
- frontend development process, UI
- about / Frontend development/UI development
- CSS layouts / CSS layouts
- CSS preprocessors / CSS preprocessors
- CSS postprocessors / CSS postprocessors
- CSS methodologies / CSS methodologies
- CSS frameworks / CSS frameworks
- full stack design / Full stack design
- full stack designer
- about / Who is a full stack designer?
- becoming, roadmap / A roadmap to becoming a successful full stack designer
- geometric shapes
- using / Types of shapes
- Gestalt theory
- about / The Gestalt theory
- Proximity law / The Proximity law
- Similarity law / The Similarity law
- Closure law / The Closure law
- Figure-Ground law / The Figure-Ground law
- Common Region law / The Common Region law
- goal-directed personas / Goal-directed personas
- Google Fonts
- URL / Typography
- grid-based layout / Grid-based layout
- handover design tool
- using / Using a handover design tool
- handing-off UI design, with Zeplin / Handing-off UI design using Zeplin
- handing over design, with Sympli / Handing over design using Sympli
- Heuristic-Systematic Model (HSM) / Models of behavior change
- hierarchy design principle / Hierarchy
- high-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- high-fidelity wireframes
- about / High-fidelity wireframes
- pros / High-fidelity wireframes
- cons / High-fidelity wireframes
- HotGloo
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- intrinsic motivation / Intrinsic motivation
- InVision / InVision
- Justinmind / Justinmind
- Less
- about / Less
- URL / Less
- lines
- about / Using lines
- using / Using lines
- straight lines / Using lines
- listening stage, UX research
- about / The listening stage
- surveys / Surveys
- search-log analysis / Search-log analysis
- usability-bug review / Usability-bug review
- low-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- low-fidelity wireframes
- about / Low-fidelity wireframes
- pros / Low-fidelity wireframes
- cons / Low-fidelity wireframes
- market research / Market research is not user research
- MarvelApp / MarvelApp
- Materialize
- URL / CSS frameworks
- medium-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- medium-fidelity wireframes
- about / Medium-fidelity wireframes
- pros / Medium-fidelity wireframes
- cons / Medium-fidelity wireframes
- Mockflow
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- MockingBot
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- MockPlus
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- Moqups / Moqups
- MyColor.Space
- URL / Choosing the colors and creating the palettes
- Object-Oriented CSS (OOCSS) / Object-Oriented CSS (OOCSS)
- OmniGraffle
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- Origami.Design
- about / Origami.Design
- features / Origami.Design
- paper cutout wireframes / Stenciling and paper cutouts
- paper prototyping
- about / Paper prototyping
- pros / Paper prototyping
- cons / Paper prototyping
- Penultimate from Evernote
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- perspectives, user personas
- goal-directed personas / Goal-directed personas
- role-based personas / Role-based personas
- engaging personas / Engaging personas
- fictional personas / Fictional personas
- Pidoco
- URL / Other wireframing tools
- Pleeease
- URL / CSS postprocessors
- post-launch UX activities / Post-launch UX activities
- PostCSS
- URL / CSS postprocessors
- Principle / Principle
- product development process
- design stage / UI Design handover
- frontend stage / UI Design handover
- backend stage / UI Design handover
- production phase, UX process / Production
- URL / Other prototyping tools
- prototypes
- about / Wireframes and prototyping, What is prototyping?
- benefits / What is prototyping?
- types / What is prototyping?
- prototyping methods / Prototyping methods
- low-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- medium-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- high-fidelity prototypes / Prototyping methods
- paper prototyping / Paper prototyping
- digital prototypes / Digital prototypes
- coding prototypes / Coding prototypes
- prototypes process
- about / The process of creating prototypes
- planning / Planning
- drawing / Drawing and sketching
- sketching / Drawing and sketching
- mockup and design / Mockup and design
- animations / Animations and interactions
- interactions / Animations and interactions
- exporting / Exporting and testing
- testing / Exporting and testing
- prototyping / What is prototyping?
- prototyping tools
- about / Prototyping tools
- MarvelApp / MarvelApp
- Origami.Design / Origami.Design
- Justinmind / Justinmind
- Flinto / Flinto
- Principle / Principle
- other tools / Other prototyping tools
- URL / Other prototyping tools
- Proximity law / The Proximity law
- proximity principle / Proximity
- psychology, UX
- about / Things you should know about psychology in UX, A quick summary of this section
- user's motivation / Understanding the user's motivation
- user's ability / Understanding the user's ability
- users, triggering / Understanding what triggers our users
- radial balance / Balance
- repetition principle / Repetition
- RGB system / Color systems
- role-based personas / Role-based personas
- Sass
- about / Sass
- URL / Sass
- Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS) / Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)
- SemacticUI
- URL / CSS frameworks
- shapes
- about / Using shapes
- categories / Using shapes
- using / Using shapes
- types / Types of shapes
- geometric / Types of shapes
- organic / Types of shapes
- abstract / Types of shapes
- positive / Types of shapes
- negative / Types of shapes
- using, in visual design / Shape usage in visual design
- Similarity law / The Similarity law
- Skeleton
- URL / CSS frameworks
- Sketch App Sources
- URL / Sketch plugins
- Sketch plugins
- about / Sketch plugins
- Sketch Constraints / Sketch plugins
- Sketch SF Font Fixer / Sketch plugins
- Sketch Palettes / Sketch plugins
- Icon Fonts / Sketch plugins
- Magic Mirror / Sketch plugins
- Find and Replace / Sketch plugins
- Sketch Content Generator / Sketch plugins
- Sort Me / Sketch plugins
- Dynamic Button / Sketch plugins
- Sketch REPO
- URL / Sketch plugins
- Sketch tool
- about / Designing the UI with Sketch
- used, for designing UI / Designing the UI with Sketch
- elements / Designing the UI with Sketch
- toolbar / The toolbar
- artboards / Artboards
- pages / Pages
- UI components templates / UI components templates
- colors / Colors
- typography / Typography
- icons / Icons and symbols
- symbols / Icons and symbols
- exportation / Exportation
- preview, of UI design / Preview of the UI design
- plugins / Sketch plugins
- space
- about / Space
- negative space / Space
- positive space / Space
- stenciling tool / Stenciling and paper cutouts
- Stylus
- about / Stylus
- URL / Stylus
- subtractive colors / Color systems
- symmetrical balance / Balance
- Sympli
- about / Handing over design using Sympli
- used, for handing over design / Handing over design using Sympli
- test stage, UX research
- about / The test stage
- qualitative usability testing / Qualitative usability testing
- benchmark testing / Benchmark testing
- accessibility evaluation / Accessibility evaluation
- textures
- about / Textures
- using / Textures
- Transtheoretical Model / Models of behavior change
- typeface
- about / Using the appropriate font/typography
- fonts / Using the appropriate font/typography
- types, wireframes
- low-fidelity wireframes / Low-fidelity wireframes
- medium-fidelity wireframes / Medium-fidelity wireframes
- high-fidelity wireframes / High-fidelity wireframes
- typography
- about / Using the appropriate font/typography
- using / Using the appropriate font/typography
- considerations / Using the appropriate font/typography
- UI design
- about / User interface design
- examples / User interface design
- handing-off, Zeplin used / Handing-off UI design using Zeplin
- handing over, Sympli used / Handing over design using Sympli
- UI Design handover
- about / UI Design handover
- frontend team communication, on early stages / Communicating with the frontend team on the early stages of design
- design expectation, explaining to developer / Explaining to the developer how you expect the design to work
- mock-up/user interface designs, sharing / Sharing the mock-up/user interface designs
- prototype, sharing / Sharing the prototype
- design specification, sharing / Sharing the design specification, assets, and the design system
- design assets, sharing / Sharing the design specification, assets, and the design system
- status checklist, creating / Status checklist
- UI design tools
- about / UI design tools
- Sketch tool / UI design tools
- UIkit
- URL / CSS frameworks
- UIStencils product
- URL / Stenciling and paper cutouts
- UI testing / User accessibility testing (UI testing)
- user's motivation
- about / Understanding the user's motivation
- extrinsic motivation / Understanding the user's motivation
- intrinsic motivation / Understanding the user's motivation
- user-centered design / Who is a UX designer?
- user behavior
- basics / User behavior basics
- User Experience (UX)
- design / What is UX design?
- versus UI Design / UX Design versus UI Design
- importance / Why is UX so important?
- designer / Who is a UX designer?
- design process / UX design process, UX design process
- psychology / Things you should know about psychology in UX
- user personas / What are user personas?
- User Experience (UX) design process
- discovery / Discovery and planning
- planning / Discovery and planning
- planning phase / The planning phase
- project proposals / Project proposals
- project objectives and methodologies / Project objectives and methodologies
- user feedback
- collecting / Collecting the correct user feedback
- customer feedback surveys / Customer feedback surveys
- emails / Emails and contact forms
- contact forms / Emails and contact forms
- through social media / Feedback through social media
- user interface design / User interface design
- user interviews
- conducting / How to conduct user interviews
- user personas
- about / What are user personas?
- considerations / What are user personas?
- visualizing / What are user personas?
- creating / Creating a persona
- examples / Creating a persona
- perspectives / Four different perspectives on personas
- benefits / Benefits of personas
- user research
- about / User research, User Research
- objectives, setting / Setting objectives and a brief
- brief, setting up / Setting objectives and a brief
- target audience, defining / Defining the audience
- research method, selecting / Selecting our research method
- research, designing / Designing and validating your research
- research, validating / Designing and validating your research
- interview, organizing / Organizing interview
- research, conducting / Conducting the research
- results, analyzing / Analyzing and validating the results
- results, validating / Analyzing and validating the results
- problems, defining / Defining the problems
- versus, market research / Market research is not user research
- benefits / The benefits of user research
- customer information, grouping / Grouping customer information
- user UI sessions
- tracking / Tracking and recording user UI sessions
- recording / Tracking and recording user UI sessions
- UX analysis
- about / UX analysis
- user analysis / User analysis
- UX design
- with big data / UX Design with big data
- UXPin / UXPin
- UX research
- about / UX research
- importance / UX research
- quantitative research / UX research
- qualitative research / UX research
- discover stage / The discover stage
- explore stage / The explore stage
- test stage / The test stage
- listening stage / The listening stage
- UX strategy
- about / The UX strategy
- client's business / Understanding the client's business
- competitors / Understanding our competitors
- customers / Understanding our customers
- framework / Discovering your own UX strategy framework
- business strategy / Discovering your own UX strategy framework
- value-innovation / Discovering your own UX strategy framework
- validated user research / Discovering your own UX strategy framework
- Killer UX design / Discovering your own UX strategy framework
- visual design
- principles / Introducing visual design principles and processes, Design principles
- processes / Introducing visual design principles and processes
- basics / Basics of visual design
- basic elements / Basics of visual design
- visual design tools / Visual design tools
- URL / Wireframing tools
- about /
- wireframes
- about / What is a wireframe?
- features / What is a wireframe?
- using / What is a wireframe?
- creating / How to create wireframes?
- structure / How to create wireframes?
- content / How to create wireframes?
- informational hierarchy / How to create wireframes?
- functionality / How to create wireframes?
- behavior / How to create wireframes?
- early-stage product design / How to create wireframes?
- types / Types of wireframes
- sketching / Sketch wireframes
- creating, with graphic design software / Creating wireframes using graphic design software
- wireframing software
- Balsamiq mockups / Balsamiq mockups
- /
- Moqups / Moqups
- InVision / InVision
- UXPin / UXPin
- Axure / Axure
- references / Other wireframing tools
- wireframing tools
- about / Wireframing tools
- wireframes, sketching / Sketch wireframes
- stenciling / Stenciling and paper cutouts
- paper cutouts / Stenciling and paper cutouts
- wireframing software / Wireframing software
- Zeplin
- about / Handing-off UI design using Zeplin
- used, for handing-off UI design / Handing-off UI design using Zeplin