- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) / Configuring tasks
- Application Programming Interface (API) / Gruntfile.js
- args function / The task object
- async function / The task object, Asynchronous tasks
- asynchronous tasks
- about / Asynchronous tasks
- author property / Grunt plugins
- Behavior Driven Design (BDD) syntax
- about / Testing with Grunt
- describe function / Testing with Grunt
- it function / Testing with Grunt
- build, creating
- directory setup, initial / Step 1 – initial directory setup
- configuration, initial / Step 2 – initial configuration
- source files, organizing / Step 3 – organizing our source files, Scripts, Views
- build files, optimizing / Step 4 – optimizing our build files, Scripts
- tasks / Step 5 – tasks and options
- development flow, improving / Step 6 – improving development flow
- application, deploying / Step 7 – deploying our application
- build files
- optimizing / Step 4 – optimizing our build files
- build files, optimizing
- scripts / Scripts
- styles / Styles
- views / Views
- build tool / What is Grunt?
- Chrome DevTools / Chrome DevTools
- Code Academy / JavaScript resources
- CoffeeScript
- about / CoffeeScript
- Jade / Jade
- Stylus / Stylus
- Haml / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- Sass / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- LESS / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- command-line
- about / Command-line
- task arguments / Task arguments
- runtime options / Runtime options
- task, help / Task help
- Command line interface (CLI) / Grunt
- CommonJS
- about / Modules
- sample code / Modules
- concatenation
- about / Concatenation
- consoleCheck task / Configuring tasks
- continuous integration (CI)
- about / Continuous integration with Grunt
- curly
- about / Static analysis or Linting
- cwd / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- data / The multitask object
- describe function / Testing with Grunt
- dest / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- dest property / Single set of source files
- devDependencies property / Grunt plugins
- development tools
- about / Development tools
- Author Picks / Author picks
- Sublime Text / Sublime Text, SourceTree
- Chrome DevTools / Chrome DevTools
- community picks / Community picks
- Yeoman / Yeoman
- directory setup / Step 1 – initial directory setup
- directory structure / Directory structure
- Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) / Community
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) / Why use Grunt?
- echo command / Step 1 – initial directory setup
- Eloquent JavaScript / JavaScript resources
- errorCount function / The task object
- expand / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- expect function / Testing with Grunt
- exports / Modules
- ext / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- external tasks
- about / External tasks
- files / The multitask object
- files, configuring
- about / Configuring files
- source files, single set / Single set of source files
- source files, multiple set / Multiple sets of source files
- source directory, mapping to destination directory / Multiple sets of source files, Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- filesSrc / The multitask object
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- about / FTP
- flags function / The task object
- flatten / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- foo task / Flexibility, Task arguments
- fs.appendFileSync method / Tasks
- Git / Community
- GitHub / Community
- GitHub Gist / Grunt
- globbing / Configuring files
- Grunt
- about / What is Grunt?
- file.js file, example / What is Grunt?
- uglify plugin / What is Grunt?
- features / Why use Grunt?
- benefits / Benefits of Grunt, Effectiveness, Flexibility
- use cases / Real-world use cases, Static analysis or Linting, CoffeeScript
- deployment / Deployment
- installation / Installation
- Command line interface (CLI) / Grunt
- project, setting up / Project setup
- testing with / Testing with Grunt
- continuous integration (CI) / Continuous integration with Grunt
- plugins / Grunt plugins, Useful plugins
- Grunt, deployment
- about / Deployment
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) / FTP
- Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) / SFTP
- Simple Storage Service (S3) / S3
- grunt --help command / Task help
- grunt-cli module / Grunt
- grunt-concurrent plugin / Useful plugins
- grunt-contrib- / Official versus user tasks
- grunt-contrib-uglify plugin / Gruntfile.js
- grunt-contrib-watch plugin / Step 6 – improving development flow
- grunt-mocha / Testing with Grunt
- grunt.config.get function / Configuring tasks, Templates
- grunt.config function / Configuring tasks
- grunt.current.task object / The task object
- grunt.current.task property / The multitask object
- function / Configuring tasks
- function / Configuring tasks
- grunt.initConfig function / Configuring tasks
- grunt.loadNpmTasks function / Grunt plugins
- grunt.option function / Runtime options
- grunt.registerTask / Tasks
- grunt.template.process function / Templates
- Gruntfile.js file / Gruntfile.js, External tasks
- grunt object / Gruntfile.js
- gzip compression / Step 7 – deploying our application
- Haml
- about / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- homepage property / Grunt plugins
- Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) / Scripts
- info grunt-gswg command / Grunt plugins
- initConfig / What is Grunt?
- Input/Output (I/O) task / Node.js
- installation, Grunt
- about / Installation
- Node.js / Node.js
- modules / Modules
- npm / npm
- it function / Testing with Grunt
- Jade
- about / Jade
- Jasmine / Testing with Grunt
- JavaScript
- resources / JavaScript resources
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) / package.json
- JSHint / Static analysis or Linting
- jshint task / Static analysis or Linting
- JSLint / Static analysis or Linting
- knox npm module / Task features
- about / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- license property / Grunt plugins
- Linting
- about / Static analysis or Linting
- LiveReload / Step 6 – improving development flow
- LiveReload Chrome extension / Step 6 – improving development flow
- load-grunt-tasks plugin / Useful plugins
- loadNpmTasks / What is Grunt?
- loadNpmTasks function / Grunt plugins
- loadTasks / Grunt plugins
- Mac OSX / Mac OS X
- Make build tool / What is Grunt?
- minification
- about / Minification
- Mocha / Testing with Grunt
- module / Modules
- module.exports object / Gruntfile.js
- modules
- about / Modules, npm
- finding / Finding modules
- installing / Installing modules
- Mozilla Developer Network / JavaScript resources
- multitasks
- configuring / Configuring multitasks
- about / Multitasks, The multitask object
- multitasks, objects
- target / The multitask object
- files / The multitask object
- fileSrc / The multitask object
- data / The multitask object
- nameArgs function / The task object
- name function / The task object
- Node.js / What is Grunt?
- about / Node.js
- installing / Node.js
- node_modules directory / Grunt plugins
- npm
- about / npm
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page / npm
- modules, finding / Finding modules
- modules, installing / Installing modules
- optimize option / Runtime options
- options
- configuring / Configuring options
- options function / The task object, The multitask object
- options object / Configuring options
- package / npm
- package.json file
- about / package.json
- Package.json Validator tool / package.json
- peerDependencies property / Grunt plugins
- PhantomJS / Testing with Grunt
- plugins
- about / Grunt plugins
- grunt-concurrent plugin / Useful plugins
- load-grunt-tasks plugin / Useful plugins
- Quality assurance (QA) team / Step 7 – deploying our application
- rename / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- require function / Modules, npm
- requiresConfig function / The task object
- requires function / The task object
- --save-dev option / package.json
- --save option / package.json
- Sass
- about / Haml, Sass, and LESS
- Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- about / SFTP
- Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) / package.json
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
- about / S3
- source files
- organizing / Step 3 – organizing our source files
- scripts / Scripts
- views / Views
- styles / Styles
- SourceTree / SourceTree
- src / Mapping a source directory to destination directory
- src property / Configuring files
- standard out (stdout) / Step 1 – initial directory setup
- static analysis
- about / Static analysis or Linting
- string property / Configuring multitasks
- Stylus
- about / Stylus
- Sublime Text / Sublime Text
- target / The multitask object
- task object, properties
- name function / The task object
- async function / The task object
- requires function / The task object
- requiresConfig function / The task object
- nameArgs function / The task object
- args function / The task object
- flags function / The task object
- errorCount function / The task object
- options function / The task object
- task runner / What is Grunt?
- tasks
- configuring / Configuring tasks
- multitasks, configuring / Configuring multitasks
- options, configuring / Configuring options
- files, configuring / Configuring files
- templates / Templates
- about / Tasks
- object / The task object
- aliasing / Task aliasing
- running / Running tasks
- tasks, running
- command line / Command-line
- programmatically / Programmatically
- automatically / Automatically
- templates
- about / Templates
- third-party tasks
- about / Using third-party tasks
- searching for / Searching for tasks
- official versus user tasks / Official versus user tasks
- popularity / Task popularity
- features / Task features
- stars / Task stars
- this.files array / Multitasks
- this operator / The task object
- transcompilation
- about / Transcompilation
- uglify plugin / What is Grunt?
- use cases
- about / Real-world use cases
- static analysis / Static analysis or Linting
- transcompilation / Transcompilation
- CoffeeScript / CoffeeScript
- Version Control System (VCS) / Directory structure
- watch task / Automatically
- WebStorm / WebStorm
- XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) / Views
- Yeoman / Yeoman