Some project ideas to get started
To end this book on a creative note, we will suggest some project ideas if you are willing to dive deeper into the possibilities of the FARM stack and hone your skills, but above all, unleash your creativity.
Old School Portfolio website
This is a weird little project just to show off that FastAPI, React, and MongoDB are perfectly capable of handling simple portfolio sites – an about page, service, gallery, contact form – the usual stuff. Create a nice design (or steal one that you like and try to recreate it in Tailwind CSS!), plug in React-Router or Next.js if you want to make it fast, and make use of server-side generation and image optimization. For the content, define a couple of Pydantic models: a blog post, portfolio item, article – whatever fits your needs – and then create simple routes for serving them via GET requests. Since this is a hardcore developers blog, you don’t even need to create an authentication...