Wi-Fi and cloud scanning
Wi-Fi or wireless and cloud scanning are two additional crucial phases within any ethical hacking engagement, especially if they are part of the environment. In this section, these two phases will be discussed in detail. We will look at wireless scanning first.
Wireless scanning
Most of the time, many wireless access points or routers are configured with minimum or no security by default. In addition, many wireless access points are configured with weak security protocols such as Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP), which have security flaws or weaknesses.
Wireless access points broadcast beacon packets with their SSIDs. SSID is the service set identifier and acts as the name of the wireless access point. A few tools that are used for wireless scanning are NetStumbler, inSSIDER, Wellenreiter, Aircrack-ng, and Kismet. We will cover these in the following sub-sections.
To successfully use wireless...