Joining data in SPICE
Joining tables is a very common requirement for data analysis and SPICE makes this effort a breeze. To understand this feature, let's go for a real use case. In theĀ Chapter 2, Exploring Any Data, Loading data from Redshift to Quicksight section, we had uploaded USACensusSalarybyZip.csv
, which has salary and population information by USA zipĀ code. Now let's upload another file that has mapping of zip codes to USA states and cities and then we will join this with the other dataset in SPICE.
Loading data to Redshift
First we need to load this new file to Redshift as a table. Here are the steps to load the data to Redshift:
Download the data file from this GitHub location:
Upload the file to your S3 bucket.
Create a new AWS data pipeline to upload S3 data to your Redshift cluster and call it
. You can clone the data pipeline created in the Chapter 2, Exploring Any Data, Creating and...