Integrating with Web Services
In this chapter, we use a third-party web service to do the credit card validation. This credit card validation service was found (after a quick search) on the Internet, and it is suitable for our example. The web service is hosted by a company called Hypercom (
Developing the Web Service Client
The service is a standard web service with a WSDL description, which makes it easy for us to integrate it into our application. The WSDL is located at As is apparent from the URL, the service is not Java based. In the web services world, the implementation does not matter as long as the interfaces are standard.
We use built-in tools of Eclipse to generate client-side code for the credit card validator web service.
1. Web services are created using wizards in the Eclipse IDE. Select project DWREasyAjax, and in the File | New | Other menu, there is a wizard to create the Web Service Client...