Appendix A. Appendix A
The following is a listing of all the selectors in the various style sheets. This list reflects the default distro and is current for Drupal 5.2.
Concerns primarily the elements unique to the administration interface.
Relates to the Aggregator Module.
Relates to the formatting of Blocks.
Concerns Book node content.
Relates to the Color Module.
A single selector relevant to Comments.
Provides basic HTML style definitions common to many areas in the system.
Relates to the Farbtastic color picker.
Concerns the Forum Module.
Classes for Help items.
One selector for the Locale Module.
Relates to the Maintenance page.
Provides selectors for the Nodes.
Concerns the Polls Module.
Styling for the various Search functions.
A collection of common styles.
Selectors for the Tracker Module.
Relates to the User and Profile Modules.
Concerns the Watchdog Module.