Section 7: Improve It, Sustain It
This book has been a journey. We established the foundation in Section 2, Establishing the Foundation, to support our Application Product team. We moved that team onto the Discovery Loop portion of the Mobius Loop in Section 3, Discover It. They then progressed into the Options Pivot in Section 4, Prioritize It, before moving onto their first iteration of the Delivery Loop in Section 5, Deliver It.
We then dove deep into building applications with the PetBattle product team in Section 6, Build It, Run It, Own It.
In the last segment of the Mobius Loop journey, we return to the Options Pivot and ask ourselves what we learned from the Delivery Loop.

Figure 17.0.1: Improvement and sustainability – setting the scene
What should we do next? Should we go around the Delivery Loop again or should we return to the Discovery Loop? What about revisiting our options? These will be the questions we answer in Chapter...