Section 2: Establishing the Foundation
In Section 1, Practices Make Perfect, we introduced DevOps and the practices and tools we're going to use to navigate around the Mobius Loop, which we also introduced. Before we get onto the loop, we're going to build a foundation for the loop to stand on. This is a foundation focused on building culture and technology:
Figure 4.0.1: The Foundation – setting the scene
When you hear the word Foundation, what do you think of? A lot of people will think of the foundations of the building you are currently sitting or standing in. As you know, you cannot just turn up and start building a house on top of some land. I mean, theoretically, you could. But not if you wanted something to stand the test of time and more importantly meet building regulations! First, you need to build a solid foundation. That means going beneath the surface of where you're going to build. The taller the building, the...