The Double Mobius Loop – Platform and Application Product
So, how does the platform Mobius Loop work? Turn to Page 1 of this book! It's exactly the same! We treat the platform as a Complex product, which means we perform continuous discovery, Options Pivoting, and continuous delivery.

Figure 18.9: Double Mobius Loop of application products and platform products
A Platform Team can use the same Discovery practices as we introduced in Section 3, Discover It. Rather than discovering a business application, they are using these practices to discover the platform. For example:
- A Platform Team can have its own North Star metric, as described in Chapter 8, Discovering the Why and Who. This gives a single metric that best captures the core value that the platform delivers to its customers or, more specifically, Application Product Teams.
- A Platform Team can have its own Impact Map, as described in Chapter 8, Discovering the Why and Who...