What is a DevOps culture?
In previous chapters, we discussed a little bit about culture. Now, it's time to go into more detail. Culture has many meanings but for DevOps, when we talk about culture, we're really talking about a shared understanding between development and operations teams, as well as a shared responsibility for the applications they build. That then roughly translates to the following things:
- Increasing transparency
- Better communication
- Collaboration across teams
Despite what some people think, there is much more to DevOps than technology. DevOps is not a technological evolution of your tooling or the platforms that you use within your organization.
Culture in DevOps is also not letting teams define their own destiny; it is about working together. Implementing these things can be scary, but I want to take you through four things that can help practice this and build up the right culture in your organization.
All the things we are...