Working with SAP
SAP is both the company and the enterprise management software. At least by name, this software product should be known to everyone, since it is very widespread around the world, especially since the company represents the world’s fourth largest company in the field of software and programming. For a very long time, SAP ERP was the standard software in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) area, which, in turn, was based on SAP R/3, which was first introduced in 1992. The latest version of SAP ERP is version 6.0, which was introduced back in 2006 and has been maintained with service packs and small enhancements since then. It is now considered legacy technology and the new version is SAP S/4HANA (High-performance ANalytical Appliance).
A while ago, however, SAP announced that SAP ERP will continue to be supported until 2027 or 2030 (with extended support; see the Further reading section for details), and certainly for good reason. This migration and switch...