After reading this chapter, you should be able to make enhanced plots, such as facet grids, maps, and 3D plots.
We started by learning about facet grids, which are one of the grammatical elements of the grammar of graphics. With facet grids, a graphic can be divided into subplots, making the interpretation easier for the reader. The next topics were how to plot maps and time series in R using ggplot2
. These are vast subjects that lie within geospatial data analysis and time series analysis in data science, so we just covered the basics, but that should be enough for you to create great visualizations.
3-dimensional plots are beautiful and impactful, no doubt. However, they are not well suited for big data or for visualizations where precision is a requirement. They are good, though, for plotting surfaces or viewing the separation of data points that is only visible with the addition of a third dimension.
Finally, we closed the chapter with a function that combines...