Hands-on – ingesting data with AWS DMS
As we discussed earlier in this chapter, AWS DMS can be used to replicate a database into an Amazon S3-based data lake (among other uses). Follow the steps in this section to do the following:
- Create a new MySQL database instance in your account.
- Load a MySQL demo database using an EC2 instance.
- Set up a DMS replication instance and configure endpoints and tasks.
- Run the DMS full-load.
- Run a Glue Crawler to add the tables that were newly loaded into S3 into the data catalog.
- Query the data with Amazon Athena.
The following steps assume the use of your AWS account's default VPC and security group. You will need to modify the steps as needed if you're not using the default.
Creating a new MySQL database instance
First, we will create a new MySQL database using the default easy create settings for a free tier eligible database instance:
- Log into the AWS Management Console (https:/...