What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introducing Microsoft Teams Apps, introduces you to the Microsoft Teams platform’s extensibility, providing an overview of custom app architecture and configuration prerequisites. It is a critical starting point for building custom apps and integrations for Teams.
Chapter 2, Microsoft Teams Apps and Bots, provides a detailed overview of the various components of Teams apps, including tabs, apps, connectors, messaging extensions, cards, task modules, and notifications. You will learn how these components can expose and integrate various solutions within Teams, enhancing collaboration and productivity.
Chapter 3, Microsoft Graph API, helps you to thoroughly understand the Graph API and its functionality. You will then learn how to leverage the Microsoft Graph API to work with Teams, providing practical insights into its potential applications.
Chapter 4, Microsoft Teams PowerShell, gives an overview of the PowerShell module for provisioning and managing Teams and its associated groups. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Microsoft Teams PowerShell topics and their practical applications.
Chapter 5, Microsoft Teams Customization Using the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), introduces the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), a modern development model for SharePoint, and how it can be used to bring customizations to Microsoft Teams. It covers the history of SharePoint development and the open source tools needed to develop SPFx components.
Chapter 6, Microsoft Teams Authentication, focuses on authentication and authorization options for creating custom Microsoft Teams tabs, including single sign-on (SSO) and related topics.
Chapter 7, Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, covers Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, a low-code data platform built into Microsoft Teams. You will learn how to build solutions using Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents within Teams.
Chapter 8, Microsoft Teams App Templates, covers Microsoft’s community-driven app templates initiative for building ready-to-deploy app templates for common scenarios, which organizations can easily install and use through GitHub. These open source templates provide instructions for deployment and usage, making it easier for businesses to utilize Teams’ app capabilities.
Chapter 9, Microsoft Viva, covers Microsoft Viva as an integrated employee experience platform, with modules such as Viva Topics, Viva Connections, Viva Insights, and Viva Learning in Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365. It supports individuals’ and teams’ connection, insight, purpose, and growth.
Chapter 10, Microsoft Teams Third-Party Apps, discusses third-party app integration and Microsoft Dynamics 365 app integration with Microsoft Teams. The focus is on ISV-built Teams apps, with the previous chapters covering built-in and custom apps.