Chapter 1, Introduction to fastlane and Continuous Delivery, is an introduction to the fastlane toolchain, and why you should adopt continuous delivery as part of your workflow.
Chapter 2, Setting Up fastlane and Our Sample Project, sets you up for the rest of the chapters by guiding you through setting up and installing fastlane and the sample project.
Chapter 3, Manage Provisioning Profiles with sigh, covers how to manage provisioning profiles manually via Xcode and how to leverage fastlane to automate the process of provisioning your apps using sigh.
Chapter 4, Manage Code Signing Certificates with cert, explains how to work with developer and production certificates using Xcode, and how to leverage fastlane to automate the process of certifying your apps using cert.
Chapter 5, Sync Profiles and Certificates with match, covers how to improve your certificate and provisioning workflows leveraging match, making it easier for you to on-board new developers and share the right code-signing credentials to get that developer started right away.
Chapter 6, Manage Push Notification Profiles with pem, discusses how to manage push notification profiles manually, and automate your workflow using fastlane and pem.
Chapter 7, Creating Our iOS and Android Apps with produce and supply, goes through how to easily create your app on iTunes Connect and the Developer portal via terminal and produce, by using fastlane, or by creating an Android app on the Google Play Store using Supply.
Chapter 8, Build and Package Apps for the App Store with gym, explains how to build and package your apps the traditional way using Xcode, and how to leverage gym as part of your fastlane continuous delivery workflow to automate building and packaging your apps.
Chapter 9, Distribute to Testers with TestFlight and Crashlytics, covers how to add continuous delivery distribution to your testers using TestFlight and Crashlytics within fastlane.
Chapter 10, Review Your App Metadata with precheck, explains how to automate the process of reviewing your app for red flags using precheck prior to uploading your app to the App Store for review.
Chapter 11, Taking Localized Screenshots with snapshot, tells you how to automatically generate screenshots of your apps for iTunes Connect using snapshot.
Chapter 12, Put Our Screenshots inside Frames with frameit, discusses how to prettify your screenshots by putting them inside frames using fastlane's frameit action.
Chapter 13, Upload Screenshots and Metadata with deliver, explains how to deliver your generated and prettified screenshots automatically to iTunes Connect, as part of your fastlane workflow, using deliver.
Chapter 14, Automate Unit Tests with Scan, covers how to include automated testing as part of your fastlane workflow and continuous delivery goals using scan.
Chapter 15, Integrating Git into the fastlane Workflow, discusses how to leverage the industry-leading Jenkins CI within your fastlane workflow in order to integrate continuous delivery with continuous integration for a completely robust, agile, end-to-end system workflow.
Chapter 16, Creating and Using fastlane Action Plugins, explains how to make use of some powerful Git commands within fastlane in order to build an intimate relationship between your code repository and your continuous delivery workflow.
Chapter 17, Integrating Slack into the fastlane Workflow, covers how to enrich and empower your fastlane continuous delivery workflow by leveraging system and third-party action plugins.
Chapter 18, Continuous Delivery Best Practices, explains how to leverage the popular communications platform Slack to inform your development team as part of your continuous delivery workflow.
Appendix, Configurations, Tools, and Resources, contains tips on how to make the most of fastlane through best practices and anti-patterns.