Updating our Fastfile
Let’s make this even more efficient by adding a gym to our Fastfile workflow. Open up the Fastfile and go to the beta lane:
lane :beta do register_devices(devices_file: "devices.txt") match(git_url: "git@bitbucket.org:doron_katz/my-fastlane-keys.git", type: "development", app_identifier: "com.doronkatz.firefox") gym(scheme: "Fennec", output_name: "firefox.ipa", configuration: "development", export_method: 'ad-hoc', silent: false, output_directory: "./Export" ) # sh "your_script.sh" # You can also use other beta testing services here (run `fastlane actions`) end
Let’s run fastlane beta and confirm our build action is working:
$ fastlane beta
[13:34:34]: -------------------------------------------------
[13:34:34]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[13:34:34]: -------------------------------------------------
[13:34:34]: Your fastlane version 2.49.0 matches...