Using joints
Joints are used to connect two physics bodies to each other. Then, you can create a complex shape to join some shapes. In addition, you can create objects such as a gear or a motor to use joints. Cocos2d-x has many different types of joints. In this recipe, we explain a typical joint type.
Getting ready
You will create a method that creates a physics object. That's why you have to create multiple physics objects. This method is called makeSprite. You have to add the following code in HelloWorld.h
cocos2d::Sprite* makeSprite();
You have to add the following code in HelloWorld.cpp
Sprite* HelloWorld::makeSprite() { auto sprite = Sprite::create("CloseNormal.png"); auto physicsBody = PhysicsBody::createCircle(sprite->getContentSize().width/2); physicsBody->setDynamic(true); physicsBody->setContactTestBitmask(true); sprite->setPhysicsBody(physicsBody); return sprite; }
How to do it...
In this recipe, we explain PhysicsJointGear
. This joint works to...