Use case 2: Using advanced analytics on Azure to create a smart airport
Najad is a large city in the northern part of Egypt. The city's main airport, Najad International Airport (NIA), services 25 million passengers per year, which amounts to 70,000 passengers every day. It is Egypt's busiest airport and sees an average of 200,000 flights every year.
The management of NIA is hoping to adopt data analytics on Azure to improve capacity planning and quality of service. The goal is to use data to address operational issues that are currently hindering NIA's ability to fully utilize its infrastructure and resources. This will, in turn, improve customer satisfaction and enable NIA to scale its operation by serving more passengers and airplanes.
The following sections will define the problems that NIA is facing and brainstorm some design ideas. Finally, you will create a possible solution architecture on Microsoft Azure that can solve this problem and explain why Azure...