Passing the message
Message events are used to pass the data from one pool to the other. The pool variables that we declare inside a pool may be required in some other pool. For this, we use the message passing event, where we basically send a message from one pool to the other. A single message is sent from a pool and the target can receive a single message. This can be useful in synchronizing the two processes.
As data cannot be passed from one pool to another, we achieve this feature using a message passing activity. The data between the throw message and the catch message needs to be mapped so as that it is made available at the target pool.
There are basically two types of message events in Bonita. One is an intermediary throw and catch message which can send data across pools. Another type is the message passing event, that is either a start or an end message. An end message ends the process and sends a message containing the data. A start message catches a message with the data and...