Chapter 7: Using Artifacts with Azure DevOps
In the previous chapter, we covered how to host build agents in Azure Pipelines. In this chapter, we are going to cover how to use artifacts with Azure DevOps. We will begin by explaining what artifacts are. Then, we will look at how to create them in Azure DevOps, as well as how to produce the artifact package from a built pipeline. Next, we are going to cover how to deploy the feed using a release pipeline. Then, we are going to cover how to set the feed permissions and how to consume the package in Visual Studio. Finally, we are going to cover how to scan for package vulnerabilities using WhiteSource Bolt.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
- Introducing Azure Artifacts
- Creating an artifact feed with Azure Artifacts
- Producing the package using a build pipeline
- Publishing the package to the feed from a build pipeline
- Configuring the feed permissions from the feed settings
- Consuming the package...