The Messy Delivery Office Requirements
Transform the following unstructured requirements into a BDD-style specification. Ideally, it should be done using acceptance criteria in a Given/When/Then structure and within an automation suite in order to be part of a continuous automation environment. If you feel like it, you can even carry on and implement them, using Outside-In TDD!
Estimated dispatch date service
Create a service with a DispatchDate
method which, given the ID of a customer order collected via our website, returns its estimated dispatch date.
An order consists of an order date and a collection of products that a customer has added to their shopping basket. Each of these products is supplied to our company Just In Time through a number of third-party suppliers. As soon as an order is received by a supplier, the supplier will start processing the order.
The supplier has an agreed lead time in which to process the order before delivering it to the company...