Ten Years ago, on September 15, 2008, Stack Overflow’s public beta went live. Yesterday, Stack Overflow put up a post to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Stack Overflow. Back in 2008, Joel Spolsky got frustrated searching for a specific programming question into Google. This inspired him to start a programmer-specific Q&A portal, where developers can ask their programming related questions by combining the idea of a Q&A site with voting and editing.
Since then, 9.3 million users have provided 25 million answers to 16 million questions and it has grown into a trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Per the stats posted on their website, “Every 5.1 seconds, someone takes time out of their day and posts an answer, to help a complete stranger on the internet. And since 2007, those answers have been found 12.3 billion times by developers in need. We estimate that’s saved developers roughly 3.1 billion hours.”
Stack Overflow has always been providing new tools to ease the workload of developers. Most recently, it launched the Stack Overflow for Teams which provides unlimited private questions and answers for a single team hosted on Stack Overflow. It also partnered with IBM to bring learning and development to the Artificial Intelligence community.
Earlier this month, it launched an update to the Salary Calculator. It is a tool that allows both developers and employers to find typical salaries for the software industry. Last month, it expanded its Code of Conduct which further builds of its previous “Being Nice” motto to include more virtues around kindness, collaboration, and mutual respect.
Here’s a fun video where Stack Overflow engineers have shared their views for its 10th anniversary on their journey with the company, the community, and developing the future.