Following are ML applications that have become newsworthy on Twitter over a duration of one month. Our favorite is automatic multimedia tagging (duh! which editor wouldn’t like that!?).
Using machine learning for real time understanding of patient safety risks via @maxwele2
Automatically tagging multimedia using AI would make searching for content so much easier. via @AnujRajbhandari
Using machine learning to make zebra crossings safer (caveat: as long as onus not on peds & cyclists to change) via @AlixKroeger
Manufacturing has been using #AI for some time, it is really now just starting to spread to retail supply chain. via @PaaSDev
Is part of the future of #journalism big-data analysis? EG using Machine Learning & data to uncover hidden stories? via @LeonLidigu
Using machine learning algorithms to identify genes essential for cell survival. via @dobebig
The Not Company (NotCo) is using machine learning to create vegetarian substitutes for animal products. Via @MarinaSpindler
Phenotyping: Using Machine Learning for Improved Pairwise Genotype Classification Based on Root Traits. via @lukelliw
Very cool approach to using machine learning to find new therapies. via @HighResBio
Materialize.X is using machine learning to disrupt the $300B engineered wood industry. via @prafiles
Using machine learning to profile German party voters. via @HalukaMB
Apple is using machine learning for Face ID. via @VentureBeat
Amazon has big plans for using machine learning to improve their supply chain. via @boxtoninc
Using machine learning for insurance pricing optimization via @Ronald_vanLoon
Rod Drury on using machine learning and AI for code free accounting. via @DamiaanvZ
What is your favorite use case for machine learning?