In this article by Michael Solberg and Ben Silverman, the author of the book Openstack for Architects, we will be walking through how to architect your cloud to avoid hardware and software failures. The OpenStack control plane is comprised of web services, application services, database services, and a message bus. Each of these tiers require different approaches to make them highly available and some organizations will already have defined architectures for each of the services. We've seen that customers either reuse those existing patterns or adopt new ones which are specific to the OpenStack platform. Both of these approaches make sense, depending on the scale of the deployment. Many successful deployments actually implement a blend of these.
For example, if your organization already has a supported pattern for highly available MySQL databases, you might chose that pattern instead of the one outlined in this article. If your organization doesn't have a pattern for highly available MongoDB, you might have to architect a new one.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Back in the Folsom and Grizzly days, coming up with an high availability (H/A) design for the OpenStack control plane was something of a black art. Many of the technologies recommended in the first iterations of the OpenStack High Availability Guide were specific to the Ubuntu distribution of Linux and were unavailable on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux-derived distributions.
The now-standard cluster resource manager (Pacemaker) was unsupported by Red Hat at that time. As such, architects using Ubuntu might use one set of software, those using CentOS or RHEL might use another set of software, and those using a Rackspace or Mirantis distribution might use yet another set of software. However, these days, the technology stack has converged and the H/A pattern is largely consistent regardless of the distribution used.
When we design a highly available OpenStack control plane, we're looking to mitigate two different scenarios:
Software systems always work as designed and tested until humans start using them. While our automated test suites will try to launch a reasonable number of virtual objects, humans are guaranteed to attempt to launch an unreasonable number. Also, many of the OpenStack projects we've worked on have grown far past their expected size and need to be expanded on the fly.
There are a few different types of success scenarios that we need to plan for when architecting an OpenStack cloud.
First, we need to plan for a growth in the number of instances. This is relatively straightforward. Each additional instance grows the size of the database, it grows the amount of metering data in Ceilometer, and, most importantly, it will grow the number of compute nodes. Adding compute nodes and reporting puts strain on the message bus, which is typically the limiting factor in the size of OpenStack regions or cells. We'll talk more about this when we talk about dividing up OpenStack clouds into regions, cells, and Availability Zones.
The second type of growth we need to plan for is an increase in the number of API calls. Deployments which support Continuous Integration(CI) development environments might have (relatively) small compute requirements, but CI typically brings up and tears down environments rapidly. This will generate a large amount of API traffic, which in turn generates a large amount of database and message traffic.
In hosting environments, end users might also manually generate a lot of API traffic as they bring up and down instances, or manually check the status of deployments they've already launched. While a service catalog might check the status of instances it has launched on a regular basis, humans tend to hit refresh on their browsers in an erratic fashion. Automated testing of the platform has a tendency to grossly underestimate this kind of behavior.
With that in mind, any pattern that we adopt will need to provide for the following requirements:
Finally, every system has its limits. These limits should be defined in the architecture documentation so that capacity planning can account for them. At some point, the control plane has scaled as far as it can and a second control plane should be deployed to provide additional capacity. Although OpenStack is designed to be massively scalable, it isn't designed to be infinitely scalable.
There are three approaches commonly used in OpenStack deployments these days for achieving high availability of the control plane.
The first is the simplest. Take the single-node cloud controller virtualize it, and then make the virtual machine highly available using either VMware clustering or Linux clustering. While this option is simple and it provides for failure scenarios, it scales vertically (not horizontally) and doesn't provide for success scenarios. As such, it should only be used in regions with a limited number of compute nodes and a limited number of API calls. In practice, this method isn't used frequently and we won't spend any more time on it here.
The second pattern provides for H/A, but not horizontal scalability. This is the "Active/Passive" scenario described in the OpenStack High Availability Guide. At Red Hat, we used this a lot with our Folsom and Grizzly deployments, but moved away from it starting with Havana. It's similar to the virtualization solution described earlier but instead of relying on VMware clustering or Linux clustering to restart a failed virtual machine, it relies on Linux clustering to restart failed services on a second cloud controller node, also running the same subset of services. This pattern doesn't provide for success scenarios in the Web tier, but can still be used in the database and messaging tiers. Some networking services may still need to be provided as Active/Passive as well.
The third H/A pattern available to OpenStack architectures is the Active/Active pattern. In this pattern, services are horizontally scaled out behind a load balancing service or appliance, which is Active/Passive. As a general rule, most OpenStack services should be enabled as Active/Active where possible to allow for success scenarios while mitigating failure scenarios. Ideally, Active/Active services can be scaled out elastically without service disruption by simply adding additional control plane nodes.
Both of the Active/Passive and Active/Active designs require clustering software to determine the health of services and the hosts on which they run. In this article, we'll be using Pacemaker as the cluster manager. Some architects may choose to use Keepalived instead of Pacemaker.
In the Active/Passive service configuration, the service is configured and deployed to two or more physical systems. The service is associated with a Virtual IP(VIP)address. A cluster resource manager (normally Pacemaker) is used to ensure that the service and its VIP are enabled on only one of the two systems at any point in time. The resource manager may be configured to favor one of the machines over the other.
When the machine that the service is running on fails, the resource manager first ensures that the failed machine is no longer running and then it starts the service on the second machine. Ensuring that the failed machine is no longer running is accomplished through a process known as fencing. Fencing usually entails powering off the machine using the management interface on the BIOS. The fence agent may also talk to a power supply connected to the failed server to ensure that the system is down.
Some services (such as the Glance image registry) require shared storage to operate. If the storage is network-based, such as NFS, the storage may be mounted on both the active and the passive nodes simultaneously. If the storage is block-based, such as iSCSI, the storage will only be mounted on the active node and the resource manager will ensure that the storage migrates with the service and the VIP.
Most of the OpenStack API services are designed to be run on more than one system simultaneously. This configuration, the Active/Active configuration, requires a load balancer to spread traffic across each of the active services. The load balancer manages the VIP for the service and ensures that the backend systems are listening before forwarding traffic to them. The cluster manager ensures that the VIP is only active on one node at a time. The backend services may or may not be managed by the cluster manager in the Active/Active configuration. Service or system failure is detected by the load balancer and failed services are brought out of rotation.
There are a few different advantages to the Active/Active service configuration, which are as follows:
Whenever possible, architects should employ the Active/Active pattern for the control plane services.
In this section, we'll walk through each of the OpenStack services and outline the H/A strategy for them. While most of the services can be configured as Active/Active behind a load balancer, some of them must be configured as Active/Passive and others may be configured as Active/Passive. Some of the configuration is dependent on a particular version of OpenStack as well, especially, Ceilometer, Heat, and Neutron. The following details are current as of the Liberty release of OpenStack.
As a general rule, all of the web services and the Horizon dashboard may be run Active/Active. These include the API services for Keystone, Glance, Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Heat, and Ceilometer. The scheduling services for Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Heat, and Ceilometer may also be deployed Active/Active. These services do not require a load balancer, as they respond to requests on the message bus.
The only web service which must be run Active/Passive is the Ceilometer Central agent. This service can be configured to split its workload among multiple instances, however, to support scaling horizontally.
All state for the OpenStack web services is stored in a central database—usually a MySQL database. MySQL is usually deployed in an Active/Passive configuration, but can be made Active/Active with the Galera replication extension. Galera is clustering software for MySQL (MariaDB in OpenStack) and this uses synchronous replication to achieve H/A. However, even with Galera, we still recommend directing writes to only one of the replicas—some queries used by the OpenStack services may deadlock when writing to more than one master. With Galera, a load balancer is typically deployed in front of the cluster and is configured to deliver traffic to only one replica at a time. This configuration reduces the mean time to recovery of the service while ensuring that the data is consistent.
In practice, many organizations will defer to the database architects for their preference regarding highly available MySQL deployments. After all, it is typically the database administration team who is responsible for responding to failures of that component.
Deployments which use the Ceilometer service also require a MongoDB database to store telemetry data. MongoDB is horizontally scalable by design and is typically deployed Active/Active with at least three replicas.
All OpenStack services communicate through the message bus. Most OpenStack deployments these days use the RabbitMQ service as the message bus. RabbitMQ can be configured to be Active/Active through a facility known as "mirrored queues". The RabbitMQ service is not load balanced, each service is given a list of potential nodes and the client is responsible for determining which nodes are active and which ones have failed.
Other messaging services used with OpenStack such as ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ, or Qpid may have different strategies and configurations for achieving H/A and horizontal scalability. For these services, refer to the documentation to determine the optimal architecture.
The compute, storage, and network components in OpenStack has a set of services which perform the work which is scheduled by the API services. These services register themselves with the schedulers on start up over the message bus. The schedulers are responsible for determining the health of the services and scheduling work to active services. The compute and storage services are all designed to be run Active/Active but the network services need some extra consideration.
Each hypervisor in an OpenStack deployment runs the nova-compute service. When this service starts up, it registers itself with the nova-scheduler service. A list of currently available nova services is available via the nova service-list command. If a compute node is unavailable, its state is listed as down and the scheduler skips it when performing instance actions. When the node becomes available, the scheduler includes it in the list of available hosts.
For KVM or Xen-based deployments, the nova-compute service runs once per hypervisor and is not made highly available. For VMware-based deployments though, a single nova-compute service is run for every vSphere cluster. As such, this service should be made highly available in an Active/Passive configuration. This is typically done by virtualizing the service within a vSphere cluster and configuring the virtual machine to be highly available.
Cinder includes a service known as the volume service or cinder-volume. The volume service registers itself with the Cinder scheduler on startup and is responsible for creating, modifying, or deleting LUNs on block storage devices. For backends which support multiple writers, multiple copies of this service may be run in Active/Active configuration. The LVM backend (which is the reference backend) is not highly available, though, and may only have one cinder-volume service for each block device. This is because the LVM backend is responsible for providing iSCSI access to a locally attached storage device.
For this reason, highly available deployments of OpenStack should avoid the LVM Cinder backend and instead use a backend that supports multiple cinder-volume services.
Finally, the Neutron component of OpenStack has a number of agents, which all require some special consideration for highly available deployments. The DHCP agent can be configured as highly available, and the number of agents which will respond to DHCP requests for each subnet is governed by a parameter in the neutron.conf file, dhcp_agents_per_network. This is typically set to 2, regardless of the number of DHCP agents which are configured to run in a control plane.
For most of the history of OpenStack, the L3 routing agent in Neutron has been a single point of failure. It could be made highly available in Active/Passive configuration, but its failover meant the interruption of network connections in the tenant space. Many of the third-party Neutron plugins have addressed this in different ways and the reference Open vSwitch plugin has a highly available L3 agent as of the Juno release. For details on implementing a solution to the single routing point of failure using OpenStack's Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR), refer to the OpenStack Foundation's Neutron documentation at http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/networking-guide/scenario-dvr-ovs.html.
As we mentioned before, OpenStack is designed to be scalable, but not infinitely scalable. There are three different techniques architects can use to segregate an OpenStack cloud—regions, cells, and Availability Zones. In this section, we'll walk through how each of these concepts maps to hypervisor topologies.
From an end user's perspective, OpenStack regions are equivalent to regions in Amazon Web Services. Regions live in separate data centers and are often named after their geographical location. If your organization has a data center in Phoenix and one in Raleigh (like ours does) you'll have at least a PHX and a RDU region. Users who want to geographically disperse their workloads will place some of them in PHX and some of them in RDU. Regions have separate API endpoints, and although the Horizon UI has some support for multiple regions, they essentially entirely separate deployments.
From an architectural standpoint, there are two main design choices for implementing regions, which are as follows:
In Juno and later, Keystone also supports federation across regions. In this scenario, a Keystone token granted by one region can be presented to another region to authenticate a user. While this currently isn't widely used, it is a major focus area for the OpenStack Foundation and will probably see broader adoption in the future.
Another option for ensuring consistent images across regions is to implement a central image repository using Swift. This also requires shared Keystone and Glance services which span multiple data centers. Details on how to design multiple regions with shared services are in the OpenStack Architecture Design Guide.
The Nova compute service has a concept of cells, which can be used to segregate large pools of hypervisors within a single region. This technique is primarily used to mitigate the scalability limits of the OpenStack message bus. The deployment at CERN makes wide use of cells to achieve massive scalability within single regions.
Support for cells varies from service to service and as such cells are infrequently used outside a few very large cloud deployments. The CERN deployment is well-documented and should be used as a reference for these types of deployments.
In our experience, it's much simpler to deploy multiple regions within a single data center than to implement cells to achieve large scale. The added inconvenience of presenting your users with multiple API endpoints within a geographic location is typically outweighed by the benefits of having a more robust platform. If multiple control planes are available in a geographic region, the failure of a single control plane becomes less dramatic.
The cells architecture has its own set of challenges with regard to networking and scheduling of instance placement. Some very large companies that support the OpenStack effort have been working for years to overcome these hurdles. However, many different OpenStack distributions are currently working on a new control plane design. These new designs would begin to split the OpenStack control plane into containers running the OpenStack services in a microservice type architecture. This way the services themselves can be placed anywhere and be scaled horizontally based on the load. One architecture that has garnered a lot of attention lately is the Kolla project that promotes Docker containers and Ansible playbooks to provide production-ready containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds. To see more, go to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kolla.
Availability Zones are used to group hypervisors within a single OpenStack region. Availability Zones are exposed to the end user and should be used to provide the user with an indication of the underlying topology of the cloud. The most common use case for Availability Zones is to expose failure zones to the user.
To ensure the H/A of a service deployed on OpenStack, a user will typically want to deploy the various components of their service onto hypervisors within different racks. This way, the failure of a top of rack switch or a PDU will only bring down a portion of the instances which provide the service. Racks form a natural boundary for Availability Zones for this reason.
There are a few other interesting uses of Availability Zones apart from exposing failure zones to the end user. One financial services customer we work with had a requirement for the instances of each line of business to run on dedicated hardware. A combination of Availability Zones and the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation Nova Scheduler filter were used to ensure that each tenant had access to dedicated compute nodes.
Availability Zones can also be used to expose hardware classes to end users. For example, hosts with faster processors might be placed in one Availability Zone and hosts with slower processors might be placed in different Availability Zones. This allows end users to decide where to place their workloads based upon compute requirements.
In this article, we walked through the different approaches and considerations for achieving H/A and scalability in OpenStack deployments. As Cloud Architects, we need to decide on the correct approach for our deployment and then document it thoroughly so that it can be evaluated by the larger team in our organization.
Each of the major OpenStack vendors has a reference architecture for highly available deployments and those should be used as a starting point for the design. The design should then be integrated with existing Enterprise Architecture and modified to ensure that best practices established by the various stakeholders within an organization are followed.
The system administrators within an organization may be more comfortable supporting Pacemaker than Keepalived. The design document presents the choices made for each of these key technologies and gives the stakeholders an opportunity to comment on them before the deployment.
The simplest way to achieve H/A is to add additional cloud controllers to the deployment and cluster them. Other deployments may choose to segregate services into different host classes, which can then be clustered. This may include separating the database services into database nodes, separating the messaging services into messaging nodes, and separating the memcached service into memcache nodes.
Load balancing services might live on their own nodes as well. The primary considerations for mapping scalable services to physical (or virtual) hosts are the following:
For example, some OpenStack deployments which use the HAProxy load balancing service chose to separate out the load balancing nodes on a separate hardware. The VIPs which the load balancing nodes host must live on a public, routed network, while the internal IPs of services that they route to don't have that requirement. Putting the HAProxy service on separate hosts allows the rest of the control plane to only have private addressing.
Grouping all of the API services on dedicated hosts may ease horizontal scalability. These services don't need to be managed by a cluster resource manager and can be scaled by adding additional nodes to the load balancers without having to update cluster definitions. Database services have high I/O requirements. Segregating these services onto machines which have access to high performance fiber channel may make sense.
Finally, you should consider whether or not to virtualize the control plane. If the control plane will be virtualized, creating additional host groups to host dedicated services becomes very attractive. Having eight or nine virtual machines dedicated to the control plane is a very different proposition than having eight or nine physical machines dedicated to the control plane.
Most highly available control planes require at least three nodes to ensure that quorum is easily determined by the cluster resource manager. While dedicating three physical nodes to the control function of a hundred node OpenStack deployment makes a lot of sense, dedicating nine physical nodes may not. Many of the organizations that we've worked with will already have a VMware-based cluster available for hosting management appliances and the control plane can be deployed within that existing footprint. Organizations which are deploying a KVM-only cloud may not want to incur the additional operational complexity of managing the additional virtual machines outside OpenStack.
Once the mapping of services to physical (or virtual) machines has been determined, the design document should be updated to include definition of the host groups and their associated functions. A simple example is provided as follows:
Deployments which will be using only the cloud controller host group might use the following definitions:
After defining the host groups, the physical architecture diagram should be updated to reflect the mapping of host groups to physical machines in the deployment. This should also include considerations for network connectivity. The following is an example architecture diagram for inclusion in the design document:
A complete guide to implementing H/A of the OpenStack services is probably worth a book to itself. In this article we started out by covering the main strategies for making OpenStack services highly available and which strategies apply well to each service. Then we covered how OpenStack deployments are typically segmented across physical regions. Finally, we updated our documentation and implemented a few of the technologies we discussed in the lab.
While walking through the main considerations for highly available deployments in this article, we've tried to emphasize a few key points:
Also, it's important to make sure that the strategy and architecture that you adopt for H/A is supportable by your organization. Consider reusing existing architectures for H/A in the message bus and database layers.
Further resources on this subject: