By Daniele Lippi (
Why it's awesome: StatPress gives you detailed insights into what's happening on your blog in real time
Why it was picked: Ease of install, stability, owning the stats versus renting the stats with a third party

Manual Install URL: http ://
Automatic Install search term: StatPress
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Top Navigation | StatPress | Options
Used in: Administration
Statistics are key to understanding what's working on your website and what's not. StatPress gives you all of the same basic information that a third-party service like Google Analytics does. However, with StatPress, you actually own the data versus merely renting it. Also, most third-party analytic tools use JavaScript to track visitor movement. This additional JavaScript call increases the load time of your website and misses any visitors who do not have JavaScript enabled.
Key datapoints
StatPress collects a lot...