Anonymous browsing
As we have seen, sadly, many quarters seem to think that they have some God-given right to track our online activity. In an equivalent offline scenario, we could simply sue for a restraining order, but what with the web being an immature venue of gun-slinging hillbillies, we have to put up with corporate peeping Toms, mindful employers, and government eavesdropping. (Ah, yes, and officially recognized hackers too).
In Chapter 5, we'll create secure, snoop-free connections to our sites and servers. First though, here are the available options to keep our surfing in a safer place, under the radar.
Locally private browsing
As with Opera's option, the Firefox Private Browsing mode enables surreptitious surfing, locally that is. To enable it, click through Tools and Start Private Browsing, doing the same again to revert back:

It does nothing to hide you online, it won't prevent you bookmarking and it won't delete your downloads, but post-session, it scraps everything else: cookies...