Getting varied hit impacts off models using a PhysicalMaterial
Our model can have different reactions to hit impacts based on a mask component in its Material which defines areas with different surface properties, such as metal or skin. Most often, Physical Materials are used to control what sound effect will play following a hit impact on a given part of the body.
How to do it...
Right-click in the Content Browser and choose Create New PhysicalMaterial. Name it MyCharPhysBlack. Create another called MyCharPhysWhite.
A Physical Material is assigned to an object inside the properties of the PreviewMaterial_0, the main node everything flows into in the Material Editor. Therefore, in the Content Browser, right-click and Create a Copy of the Material for Packt_Character, which is Packt_CharMat. Name the copy MyCharMat_Phys.
Open MyCharMat_Phys and click on the Material_0 node, look to its properties, and expand PhysicalMaterial.
The Phys Material Mask in this case is the image file: Packt_CharMatBW1...