What this book covers
Chapter 1, Career Paths, explores the history and culture associated with DevOps, followed by various career paths available in the field of DevOps.
Chapter 2, Essential Skills for a DevOps Practitioner, covers the skills required by all DevOps practitioners, regardless of level.
Chapter 3, Specialized Skills for Advanced DevOps Practitioners, covers the skills required for advanced careers within the field of DevOps.
Chapter 4, Rebranding Yourself, provides tips for updating your social presence as well as your résumé.
Chapter 5, Building Your Network, covers getting your skills noticed by the right people, which is key to landing a job, and offers tips and tricks on building your network to include the right people.
Chapter 6, Mentorship, focuses on the value of mentorship and how to connect with a mentor.
Chapter 7, Working with Recruiters, examines how most jobs are being filled by a combination of internal and external recruiters, giving you advice and tips on how to work with both.
Chapter 8, Preparing for Your Interview, provides tips on how to ensure you are prepared for your interview.
Chapter 9, Interviews Step by Step, walks you through what to expect at each stage of the process for both typical and non-typical interviews.
Chapter 10, DevOps Career: Tips and Tricks, provides a brain dump of the authors' 25 years of collective knowledge on things they have seen work and not work when interviewing.
Chapter 11, Interviews with DevOps Practitioners, revisits candid, open interviews with DevOps practitioners at various stages in their careers.