43.3 Using the configure Method
The files for this Intent UI Extension added above can be found within the Project navigator panel under the SiriDemoIntentUI folder.
Included within the SiriDemoIntentUI extension is a storyboard file named MainInterface.storyboard. For those unfamiliar with how user interfaces were built prior to the introduction of SwiftUI, this is an Interface Builder file. When the configure method is used to customize the user interface, this scene is used to display additional content which will appear directly above the standard SiriKit provided UI content. This layout is sometimes referred to as the Siri Snippet.
Although not visible by default, at the top of the message panel presented by Siri is the area represented by the UI Extension. Specifically, this displays the scene defined in the MainInterface.storyboard file of the SiriDemoIntentUI extension folder. The lower section of the panel is the default user interface provided by Siri for this particular...