Notebook options available in EMR
In today's world, usage of web-based notebooks for interactive development is very common and EMR provides a few options for integrating Jupyter and Zeppelin notebooks.
Jupyter Notebook is a very popular open source web application that allows developers and analysts to do interactive development by writing live code, executing it line by line for debugging, building visualizations on top of data, and also providing narratives on code. You can also share notebooks with others, who can import code into their notebook.
Within an EMR cluster, you have the option to use EMR Notebooks and JupyterHub, and outside of your EMR cluster, you have EMR Studio, which you can attach to your EMR cluster.
Now let's dive deep into each of these options.
EMR Notebooks
EMR Notebooks is available in the EMR console. Notebooks are serverless and can be attached to any EMR cluster running Hadoop, Spark, and Livy. Using EMR Notebooks, you can open...