Adopting the LeSS Frameworks
In this section, you will learn the LeSS rules and guides associated with LeSS adoptions. These rules and guides make it easier to get started and minimize the opportunities for things to go wrong.
LeSS adoption rules
Many if not most people are afraid of change, particularly when they feel they or their jobs are threatened or if they fear marginalization of their roles and authorities. LeSS adoption rules offer instruction on how to overcome organizational resistance. Specifically, LeSS implements two general rules for LeSS adoption:
- For a product group, establish the complete LeSS Structure at the start; this is vital for a LeSS adoption.
- For the larger organization beyond the product group, adopt LeSS evolutionary Go and See to create an organization where experimentation and improvement is the norm.
Based on these LeSS rules, a few things should be quite clear. First, don't attempt to short-change the LeSS adoption. LeSS...