Building the project
Whether you have the RasPi 2 model B, RasPi 1 Model B, or Model B+, the hardware setup will remain same and therefore the code too. Once you start coding, you will gradually learn how the RasPi board and DHT11 sensor communicates. In parallel, you will also understand how to interface it to the LDR sensor. You will get to know how multiple sensors can be integrated to get the data. However, first, let's take a look at the circuitry we need to build.
Hardware setup
This project has minimal requirements. It is easy to make the connections on the breadboard, unlike the voltage divider on the previous project. To make this setup, we will require the following devices on our table:
DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
LDR / photoresistor / CdS cellsensor
4.7KΩ, 270 Ω, and 10KΩ resistors (if the seller asks about the wattage of the resistor, ask for 1/4 watts; it is also termed as quarter watts)
1µF-16V through-hole electrolytic capacitor
One multimeter
Female-to-male jumper...