Qt Designer enables us to display LCD-like digits of any size by making use of its LCD Number widget. The LCD Number widget is an instance of the QLCDNumber class and it can be used to display decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary digits of any size. The methods provided by QLCDNumber are as follows:
- setMode(): This method is used to change the base of the numbers. Available options are as follows:
- Hex: This option is used to display hexadecimal digits
- Dec: This option is used to display decimal digits
- Oct: This option is used to display octal digits
- Bin: This option is used to display binary digits
- display(): This method is used to display the supplied data in LCD digit format.
- value(): This method returns the numerical value displayed by the LCD Number widget.
We want the displayed system clock time to be updated automatically. For this...