Threats both to safety and security
Ideally, misuse cases will be created during the upfront threat modeling process. Many specific misuse patterns can then be generated for each misuse case. Misuse patterns should be low-level enough that they can be decomposed into signature sets applicable to the monitoring technology (for example, IDS/IPS, SIEM, and so on) that will be used both on-premises and in your cloud environment. Patterns can include device patterns, network patterns, service performance, and just about anything that indicates potential misuse, malfunction or outright compromise.

In many IoT use cases, SIEMs can be telemetry-enhanced. We say telemetry-enhanced SIEMs, because physically interacting IoT devices have many additional properties that may be monitorable and important for detecting misbehavior or misuse. Temperature, time of day, event correlation with other neighboring IoT device states: almost any kind of available data can be envisioned to enable a power, detection...