Using the latest MicroProfile platform release
In Chapter 2, How Does MicroProfile Fit Into Cloud-Native Application Development?, we mentioned the MicroProfile platform release and its content. So far, the latest MicroProfile platform release is MicroProfile 4.1, which can be found at
MicroProfile 4.1 was built on top of MicroProfile 4.0, with MicroProfile Health updating from 3.0 to 3.1. MicroProfile 4.1 aligns with the following Jakarta EE 8 specifications:
- Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 2.0
- Jakarta Annotations 1.3, Jakarta RESTful Web Services 2.1
- Jakarta JSON-B 1.0
- Jakarta JSON-P 1.1
- Jakarta Annotations 1.3
It also includes the following MicroProfile specifications:
- Config 2.0
- Fault Tolerance 3.0
- Health 3.1
- JWT Propagation 1.2
- Metrics 3.0
- OpenAPI 2.0
- OpenTracing 2.0
- Rest Client 2.0
If you want to use a few of the MicroProfile...