Until very recently, the only way to upgrade an existing PostgreSQL version to a newer major version, such as going from 8.1.X to 8.2.X, was to dump and reload. The and/or programs are used to write the entire content of the database to a file, using the newer versions of those programs. That way, if any changes need to be made to upgrade, the newer dumping program can try to handle them. Not all upgrade changes will happen automatically though. Then, depending on the format you dumped in, you can either restore that just by running the script it generates or use the program to handle that task. pg_restore can be a much better alternative in newer PostgreSQL versions that include a version with parallel restore capabilities.
If you are using a system that doesn't easily allow you to run more than one system with PostgreSQL version at a time, such as the current RedHat Linux RPM packages, getting both old and new versions of PostgreSQL installed on your system at the same time can be difficult. There are some changes to improve this situation under development for PostgreSQL 9.0 and 10.0. Make sure to check the feasibility of running more than one version at once as part of planning an upgrade.
Dumping can take a while, and restoring can take even longer. While this is going on, your database likely needs to be down, so that you don't allow any changes that won't then be migrated over by the dump. For large databases, this downtime can be both large and unacceptable.
The most demanding sites prefer near-zero downtime, to run 24/7. There, a dump and reload is never an acceptable option. Until recently, the only real approach available for doing PostgreSQL upgrades in those environments has been using statement replication to do so. Slony is the most popular tool for that, and more information about it is available in Chapter 14, Scaling with Replication. One of Slony's features is that you don't have to be running the same version of PostgreSQL on all the nodes you are replicating to. You can bring up a new node running a newer PostgreSQL version, wait for replication to complete, and then switch over once it matches the original.
Another tool used for the asynchronous primary/secondary replication is Londiste from SkyTools. One of the benefits of Londiste over the streaming replication that’s in the core of PostgreSQL is that Londiste can replicate a single database or a table from a database. Streaming replication will create an exact copy of the database server. Londiste provides more granularity for replication which makes it ideal for our migration. It allows us to move databases from several servers to one unified server.
Now, there is another way available that works without needing any replication software. A program originally called pg_migrator is capable of upgrading from 8.3 to 8.4 without the dump and reload. This process is called in-place upgrading. You need to test this carefully, and there are both known limitations and likely still unknown ones related to less popular PostgreSQL features. Be sure to read the documentation of the upgrade tool very carefully. Starting in PostgreSQL 10.0, this module is included with the core database, with the name changed to pg_upgrade. pg_upgrade is a native PostgreSQL command and must be offline. While all in-place upgrades have some risk and need careful testing, in many cases, these will take you from 8.3 or 8.4 to 10.0 and hopefully beyond.
The PostgreSQL development community is now moving to an online replication approach, for example the pg_logical extension for PostgreSQL providing much faster replication than Slony, Bucardo or Londiste, as well as cross-version upgrades