Downloading to a PLC
At some point, a download to the PLC is required to move the development code into the PLC runtime environment. When a download is initiated from TIA Portal, a sequence is initiated that compiles the project and checks the conditions for download. During this sequence, the programmer is prompted for actions (if any are required) and to confirm the PLC download action before the PLC is affected:
Figure 13.1 – The PLC download event sequence
The download sequence ensures that the PLC is up to date before any downloads occur.
When the Download button is clicked on, a compilation of the hardware and software occurs. This means that if there are errors anywhere in the logic or the hardware configuration for the PLC being downloaded to, the download will not occur.
Initiating a download
There are multiple methods that you can use to start a download to the PLC; all of them initiate the same download procedure.
The most...