Creating pageless pagination
When the records on a page exceed certain limits, it is common to split the records into multiple pages and let the user access the pages through page-numbered links/next/previous/first/last links. Such a system is called pagination. In some Web 2.0 websites, we can find pageless pagination. It is unique; there is a "More" link at the bottom and, when clicked, will load content below it, through Ajax. This user interface is interesting, as the user doesn't have to click a "Previous" link to view previous pages; they're already available within the current page.
Getting ready
We'll require the jQuery core library with a DB table in a schema similar to what is shown in the following code snippet:
CREATE TABLE users ( 'id' mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, 'name' varchar(255) default NULL, 'bio' TEXT default NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id') ) TYPE=MyISAM;
How to do it...
We create simple pagination that works by passing the page number over the query string...