We have all undoubtedly made so many mistakes while developing applications and spent a lot more hours trying to figure out what went wrong. Usually, it was just the small silly things, such as misplaced quotes or brackets, mistyped JSON, misspelled method names, overwritten global names (this one I did more than I do now, this is really a common problem when someone is asking for my help), and not installing the plugin at all or trying to use events for that plugin before PhoneGap has been initiated.
The debugging support for your PhoneGap application is not as good as it is for native applications or desktop web applications. The main obstacle is to be able to debug your browser on your mobile device, emulator, or Apache Ripple. This makes it difficult to synchronize the breakpoints or retrieve stack traces. However, we still have some options to go over that can be useful.
As we are developing for multiple platforms at the same time, there are not that many universal solutions...