Installation overview
The overall installation process is summarized in the following diagram:
This appendix will follow the preceding process to install the installation topology outlined in the previous section.
The Oracle binaries can be obtained from e-Delivery, the Oracle Technology Network website (OTN), or from Oracle support through a service request. The general recommendation is to get the software through e-Delivery as this is the official download site. It will require registration, and software is protected by a username and password that is obtained as part of the registration process. OTN should only be used for conducting trials of software or for general proof of concepts.
The following installation binaries are required. If you wish to try the installation you may also use the following OTN link. For production or testing installation download binaries from e-Delivery.
WebLogic Server 10.3.6
Oracle Data Base 11g Driver (ojdbc6.jar)
Oracle Enterprise Repository 11gR1 PS6 (
Oracle Service Registry 11gR1 PS5 (
OBPM Enterprise Install 10g (10.3.2)
OBI Publisher Enterprise 11g