Using conditional formatting and suppression in financial reports
In this recipe, we will be using conditional formatting to emphasize areas of our reports. We will also be using conditional suppression to hide portions of the reports that are not relevant to our analysis or add no value. These two tools allow us to provide reports that will change based on specified conditions.
Getting ready
Click on the Start menu, select Oracle | Financial Studio Report | Financial Studio Report, enter your User ID, enter your password, modify the Server URL, and click on OK. Your server URL should be http://Ess
if you are not using SSL.
How to do it...
Click on the Repository menu, expand the Users folder, right-click on {Profiles}, click on New Folder, and type TestUser.
Click on the File menu, select New, and click on Report.
Select the Grid menu, click, and drag your mouse on the report designer area below to draw the grid. The Select a Database Connection menu will pop up asking your connection...