Installing OpenVPN on Windows
If you want to install OpenVPN on Windows, you have to make a choice before downloading. You can install the original OpenVPN Software from or (this is my preferred suggestion) install the OpenVPN GUI from This package contains the OpenVPN Software plus a GUI to bring up or close down tunnels. Especially, if you set up an OpenVPN client—be it a laptop or desktop PC of a home worker, which is only connecting temporarily to your VPN—the Windows user will want to have an easy-to-use, clickable interface. However, if you do not want the users to interact with the VPN tunnels, the original OpenVPN Software will do.
OpenVPN can be run as a service on the Windows PC, which means it is started automatically on startup. It can be configured to enable the tunnel automatically or forced by a click of a mouse. The installation is pretty straightforward and should not pose any problem to the experienced Windows user....