Understanding the Accounts Receivable feature
On the A/R side, there is a bit more setup to be done. In addition to choosing which transactions your client will use, you can also choose whether to enable things like Promotions (NetSuite offers a few different solutions on this, depending on how complicated the promotions can be), Gross Profit tracking, and all of the shipping options (since they mostly affect sales). Shipping can be very simple or very, very complicated, so we'll tackle that in more detail for sure in Chapter 15, Order-to-Cash Transactions.
If the business is in the services industry, this is when you would enable the Projects features, or maybe even NetSuite's Advanced Projects.
This is also a good time to talk about SuiteApps that might be needed, such as Avalara's AvaTax solution, or one of the advanced invoicing apps. As stated before, understanding the client's requirements before you get into enabling features will smooth this process...