Streaming services usage patterns
Any architecture pattern you come up with for your organization’s use case has many dimensions to it. Some of the factors that influence these decisions are overall costs, the specifics of functional and non-functional requirements, people skillsets, future use cases, preference for a specific service, and so forth. Let’s get into some other use cases that can be solved using a combination of the AWS streaming services we covered in this chapter.
Use case for streaming change data in S3 data lakes
The IT team likes using AWS DMS to capture change data from relational databases into the raw zone of the data lake. However, DMS creates tons of tiny files that then need to be consolidated into the conformed layer of the data lake in S3. For many data sources, this setup works well and the data pipeline is performant and cost-effective. However, for certain extremely large ERP systems, the volume of CDC data generates millions of tiny...