Defining Our Mini-Game Level
If we don't know where we are ultimately heading, we are liable to navigate right into a black hole or worse. Let's add some definition to what we want our mini-game level to be like by the end of the book.
First, we'll come up with a backstory. Although not strictly necessary, this will add flavor to the vision in our minds. It will influence the choices we make about the assets we acquire and the ones we create, as well as influence the choices we make about the game mechanics and layout. Plus, of course, the fact that this backstory has the ring of truth to it…
(Darken theater. Cue music.)
Not very long ago, in a nearby galaxy…
An ancient splinter colony of technologically advanced humans came across the sinister plans of a shape-shifting alien race to infiltrate a small blue planet orbiting a yellow sun. The benevolent humans took it upon themselves to warn their brethren and they captured the aliens' invasion...