Hello there! We are here to explore design and development patterns that we can leverage when building a microservice application with .NET. Microservice architecture involves separating a potentially complex application into smaller, more maintainable services that must work together. Essentially, we take one big application and break it down into smaller parts.
This approach introduces a fresh crop of complexities in the application’s design since these now separate services need to collaborate to deliver a unified experience to the end user. As such, we need to understand the various drawbacks of this architectural approach and strategize on how we can address the various concerns.
We will focus on using .NET, given that Microsoft has a proven track record of releasing and supporting top-notch tooling and support for the most recent technologies that allow us to develop cutting-edge solutions. Some of the reasons we focus on development with .NET are as follows:
- Well maintained: Microsoft is constantly pushing the boundaries and introducing new ways to accomplish old things and new ways to implement solutions and increase productivity. It is a well-maintained, supported, and documented ecosystem.
- Performance: .NET increases its performance with each new release. Microservices must be as performant and responsive as possible to ensure that the end user’s experience is as clean as possible.
- Cross-platform: .NET Core is cross-platform and can be deployed on virtually any technology stack. This reduces the limitations surrounding deploying and supporting services written using .NET technology.
- Support for various technologies: Each problem has a technology that helps us to implement a solution. .NET has support for many technologies, making it a great candidate for universal development needs.
We want to ensure that we understand the possibilities and strategies needed while developing an application based on microservices architecture. We will review the theory behind each problem and then explore the potential solutions and technologies that help us to implement the best possible solution to our challenges while developing a solution.