Installing and setting up Docker
Before we look at the recipe, let's quickly talk about why we will need Docker installed. Docker has been one of the most popular container frameworks and has picked up traction in the past few years. In fact, there are a lot many organizations that completely depend on Docker for shipping and deploying their applications. Gone are the days when Developers, Build Meisters, Infrastructure Engineers, and Deployment Coordinators would deploy any new code and infrastructure every release in the middle of the night, making sure the deployment of the new code or infrastructure does not affect existing users. With frameworks such as Docker, Mesos, and Kubernetes, deployments have become so much easier than how they were a few years back.
Let's say you would like to deploy a web application to Tomcat. There are definitely some prerequisites; for instance, you will need at least a four-core machine with 16 GB memory and 100 GB disk space. And after that...