This contains lots of buttons for the most commonly used tools, functionalities, and visualization orders, which you'll need all the time. Some of the buttons might be hidden at the UI due to the screen size, but in general the toolbar always contains the following:

All the buttons you find at this bar come in handy when you start the building process; while the Cascade Editor supports lots of keyboard shortcuts, sometimes it is faster to hit the buttons around the bar while you are already holding the mouse! The following are the options available on the toolbar:
Save: This saves the changes into the particle system.
Find in CB: This points to the current particle system asset at the content browser.
Restart Sim: This restarts the simulation at the viewport panel.
Restart Level: This restarts the particle system in general, which means not only at the viewport, but also all the instances inside the level.
Undo: This undoes the previous operation.
Redo: This redoes the previous undone...