The SQLite utilities
SQLite is used in a number of ecosystems. As such, there are lots of great utilities you can use to interact with SQLite databases. Some are as follows:
Desktop browsers usually have embedded utilities:
Chrome and Safari provide both remote and local debugging support for Web SQL Databases. The functionality is exceedingly minimal, but you can perform queries and other commands against the database. If you're remotely debugging a device, do note that you won't be able to see the database created by the app. You'll either have to download it to your computer, or disable the plugin and use the platform's default Web SQL Database support. To access the database, open up the Web Inspector and navigate to the Resources panel. You should see a Databases section that expands to reveal the tables in your database. If you select the database instead of a table, you can also execute commands against the database.
Cross-platform desktop clients are useful for inspecting databases...